
P01 T.-C. Dinh, T. Renger, A. Klinger, F. Steinecker, F. Müh, M. Schmidt am Bush
Towards a non-perturbative theory of pigment-protein and pigment-pigment coupling
P02 H.M. Böhm, R. Hobbiger, R. Holler, D. Kreil
Response function of a spin-polarized electron layer
P03 R. Hobbiger, R. Holler, E. Krotscheck, M. Panholzer
Multi-pair and exchange effects in the dynamic structure of two–dimensional 3He
P04 D. Hufnagl, R.E. Zillich, V. Apaja, A. Macia, F. Mazzanti, J. Boronat
Stability and excitations of dipolar quantum gases
P05 J. Egger, E. Krotscheck, M. Panholzer, R.E. Zillich
Bose and Fermi gases with Lennard-Jones interactions
P06 H. Lauter, V. Apaja, I. Kalinin, E. Kats, M. Koza, E. Krotscheck, V.V. Lauter, A.V. Puchov
Localized superfluid phases in solid helium in aerogel
P07 E. Krotscheck, T. Lichtenegger
Spin Density fluctuations in liquid 3He
P08 T. Raitza, H. Reinholz, P.-G. Reinhard, G. Röpke
Response of excited nano plasmas
P09 M. Schmidt am Busch, F. Müh, M.E. Madjet, T. Renger
The 8th bactriophyll completes the excitation energy funnel in the FMO protein
P10 F. Müh, T. Renger
Towards a Structure-Based Understanding of Excitation Energy Transfer in Plant Light-Harvesting Complex II