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 JKU Linz
    Institute for Theoretical Physics

Theoretical Physics Linz
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deutsch (german)

You are viewing old content! Please take a look at our new homepage at http://www.jku.at/itp

Our goal is to understand the behavior of systems with MANY interacting constitutents from their individual properties.

Our investigations include

Petition "Forschung ist Zukunft"  
Feenb Medal prizes awarded to itp members.    A selection:
  • 2008 FWF selected research field to R. Folk
  • 2007 Feenberg Medal to E. Krotscheck
  • 2007 Kümmel Award honorable mentioning for R.E. Zillich 
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz
Tel: (+43)732 2468 ext. 8545 and 8550
Fax: (+43)732 2468 ext. 8585
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