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Florimond Collette

Dipl.-Phys. Florimond Collette

Dipl.-Phys. Florimond Collette (Back to Team Overview)
PhD student

Phone: +43 732 2468 5154
Fax: +43 732 2468 5152

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  • [ Publications ]


Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in SCI-Expanded-Zeitschrift

Collette F., Renger T., Schmidt am Busch M.
Revealing the Functional States in the Active Site of BLUF Photoreceptors from Electrochromic Shift Calculations, in: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 118, Number 38, Page(s) 11109-11119, 2014.

Gehaltene Vorträge

Vortragstyp: Vortrag auf einer Tagung (nicht referiert)

  1. Color tuning of visual rhodopsins: a quantitative explanation by electrostatic calculations (23.03.2017)
  2. Biological photoreceptors: From color tuning to color vision (11.04.2016)
  3. Electrochromic shift calculations reveal spectral tuning in animal rhodopsins (08.03.2016)
  4. Theory of color tuning in biological photoreceptors: From structure to function (09.06.2015)
  5. Electrochromic shift calculations explain spectral tuning in light-sensitive proteins (20.03.2015)
  6. Electrochromic shift calculations exhibit the light-activation mechanism of BLUF photoreceptors (31.03.2014)
  7. Electrochromic shift calculations reveal the molecular mechanism of the signaling-state formation in BLUF photoreceptors (10.03.2014)

Vortragstyp: Posterpräsentation

  1. Electrochromic shift calculations exhibit the light-activation mechanism of BLUF photoreceptors (12.03.2014)
  2. Electrochromic shift calculations exhibit the light-activation mechanism of BLUF photoreceptors (01.02.2014)


  1. Salutation
  1. Subject *

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