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Location Physics-Building

Location Physics-Building

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LEO German-English Dictionary

Position Indication:


Purpose of the Foundation

Excerpt from the DEED OF FOUNDATION

  1. The aim of the Wilhelm Macke Private Foundation is to support gifted JKU-students and -graduates in Physics. This aim is reached through granting scholarships and awards.

  2. Presently (academic year 2010/11) “Physics” at JKU covers the Bachelor- and Master programs “Technical Physics”, the Master studies “Nanoscience and Technology” and “Biophysics”, as well as the PhD studies “Doctorate of Technics” and “Dr. of the Natural Sciences” with their emphasis lying on physics; and the Master Studies “Teaching Physics in High Schools”.

  3. If new programs in the field of physics are established at JKU, the board will decide, whether and under what conditions students and graduates may get support. Support of students and graduates engaged in interdisciplinary activities / courses with the main focus on physics can be granted only in particularily well justified cases.

  4. Wilhelm Macke Mobility Sholarship:

    For gifted students and graduates to facilitate research stays, conference participation or training abroad.

  5. Wilhelm Macke Prizes:

    1. The Wilhelm Macke Master Thesis Prize honors an excellent master- (or diploma-) thesis approbated in above mentioned courses of studies at the JKU. (Regarding a thesis acquired at other institutions / universities §2.3 is applied accordingly.)

    2. The Wilhelm Macke Award is given, in addition to a), for the best generally understandable presentation of an honored thesis in a competition with the other honorees.

    3. Wilhelm Macke Recognition Prizes: are awarded to bachelor and master (diploma-) graduates (in the above named study programs); they honor short study time with excellent grades and thesis.


  1. Salutation
  1. Subject *

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